


随着学生俱乐部和组织不断推进项目计划, 我们不得不提醒校园成员国外博彩appdvd的合法和可接受的使用, 录像带, 以及其他向公众放映电影的方式. 可供购买的dvd和录像带, 从商业机构或网上资源租用, 或借阅图书馆仅供家庭观赏之用. 这意味着它们只能在你的私人生活空间里被私人观众观看. 对于校园来说,这意味着你的宿舍房间/套房/公寓. 对于家庭来说,它指的是你私人住宅的任何地方. The same rules apply for movies/television shows that are viewable at home using online movie services (ex. Netflix、HuluPlus、亚马逊prime).

另外, no public announcement or advertising may occur as it turns the private audience into a public one (even if the viewing still occurs in a private residence room) thus making the movie subject to public performance guidelines.

With the exception of a faculty member showing a film to an officially registered class at the University (see face-to-face exemption below), 任何时候一个组在任何情况下显示电影, 团体必须购买该特定放映的公众观看权/版权. Purchasing public viewing rights does not depend on variables such as audience size or charging of admission. Copyright purchase for film rights currently runs between $300-$950 per showing for popular titles from major movie distributors. Independent films could cost less but must be negotiated with the holder of the copyright for those particular films. 不管是3个人还是300个人, 在决定是否需要购买公众观看权时,不考虑大小. 但是,观众的数量可能会影响公演费的数额. 同样,无论入场是否免费,公开表演权都必须得到保障.

我们知道,放映电影是一件有趣而容易组织的事情. 不过, 你必须时刻谨记,仅仅因为你买了这部电影, 是租的还是借的, 你不能把表演变成节目. Public performance rights must be purchased and secured before advertising any event related to movie/film/show viewing. 未能遵守这些指导方针, 即使是无心之过, 会被罚款750到30美元吗,每场演出000元.

If you have further questions regarding the viewing/screening of films on campus please contact the office of 学生参与中心.

什么是公开演出? **

假设你邀请几个朋友来家里看一部电视上已经没有的电影或电视节目. You buy or rent a DVD or Blue Ray disc from the store or a digital video file from an online store and show the film or TV episode in your home that night. 你是否因非法“公开表演”该电影或节目而违反了版权法? 当然不是.

But suppose you took the same movie or TV episode and showed it to patrons at a club or bar that you happen to manage. 在这种情况下,你已经侵犯了视频作品的版权. 简单地说, movies or TV shows obtained through a brick-and-mortar or online store are licensed for your private use; they are not licensed for exhibition to the public.

为什么创意界会关注这样的表演? **

“公共表演”的概念是版权的核心. 如果电影制作人, 作者, 剧作家, 音乐家和游戏设计师并不保留自己作品的所有权, then there is little incentive for them to continue creating high-quality works in the future and there is little incentive for others to finance the creation of those works.


大学的公演费有一个例外. 这种例外情况只存在于教师面对面的课堂教学中. 教师可以在正常上课时间以外(例如晚上)放映影片。, 然而, 只有注册了这门课的学生才能参加. Acceptable attendance for films in which the copyright is not purchased only include students registered for the class, 老师, 以及客座讲师.

The movie must also be shown in spaces that are designated for instruction; therefore 学生宿舍 or program house lounges, 自助餐厅, 和/或大学会议室不符合条件. 教师不能在他/她的班级里展示,然后向校园里的其他人开放. 为了邀请其他人,必须购买公众观看权.


获得公开演出许可证很容易,通常只需要打一个电话. 费用是由电影放映次数等因素决定的, 会有多少观众等等. 虽然收费各不相同,但对于较小的受众来说,它们通常都不贵. 大多数授权费是根据特定电影的一场或一系列演出收取的. 国外博彩app has a long-standing relationship with Swank Motion Pictures and their information is below:


www.爱打扮的.com (800) 876-5577


《国外博彩app》(美国第17章.S. 代码)规定了如何使用受版权保护的材料,例如电影. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a copy of a copyrighted work carries with it the right to publicly exhibit the work. No additional license is required to privately view a movie or other copyrighted work with a few friends and family or in certain narrowly defined face-to-face teaching activities.

然而, 酒吧, 餐厅, 私人俱乐部, 监狱, 小屋, 工厂, 夏令营, 公共图书馆, 日托设施, 公园及康乐部门, churches and non-classroom use at schools and universities are all examples of situations where a public performance license must be obtained. 无论是否收取入场费,这项法律规定都适用, 该机构或组织是商业性的还是非营利性的, 或者是否涉及联邦或州机构.

有关侵犯版权的更多资料,请 点击这里.


"Willful" infringement of these rules concerning public performances for commercial or financial gain is a federal crime carrying a maximum sentence of up to five years in jail and/or a $250,罚款000. 即使是无意的侵权,也要受到实质性的民事赔偿.


Section 110 of the 1984 Copyright Act does provide a specific exemption to the licensing of what is clearly a public performance and what is face-to-face teaching. 有资格获得豁免, the showing must occur in a face-to-face teaching situation at a non-profit educational institution and meet all of the following six criteria:

  1. 表演、展示音像作品,必须使用合法来源, 比如预先录制好的录像带. 不允许从非法来源或广播中复制.
  2. 表演和展示必须是系统教学过程的一部分,而不是娱乐, 娱乐, 或者文化价值. The instructor should be able to show how the use of the motion picture contributes to the overall course study and syllabus. 这门课程不一定是学分课程, 但必须是学校认可的,学生必须注册的科目.
  3. The instructors or pupils must give performances and displays from the same location in which it is being screened; no broadcasting from outside sources (such as closed-circuit television) is allowed.
  4. Performances and displays must be given in classrooms and other places devoted to instruction; library screening rooms, 学生宿舍 & 学生会的休息室、健身房和自助餐厅不符合条件.
  5. Performances and displays must be a part of the teaching activities at a non-profit teaching institution. 举办教育研讨会的企业和某些技术学校不符合资格.
  6. 出席仅限于教师,学生和客座讲师. 只有注册了课程的学生才可以参加放映. 不收取特定放映费用.

*Information is adapted from the 办公室 of Campus Programs and Organizations at Albion College and Student Activities and 领导 Development at Wesleyan University, CT.




随着虚拟观看派对的出现, 现在一起看电影比以往任何时候都要容易. 不像在校园里公开放映电影, 虚拟观看派对提供了一起观看电影或节目的机会, 通过提供的平台, 组. Event organizers are encouraged to use hosted watch party software included in the streaming service (i.e.、Netflix Party、Hulu Watch Party、Amazon Prime Video Watch Party、Disney+ GroupWatch). 这通常要求每个观看者都可以访问服务,从而解决版权问题.

Note: Event planners should be aware that showing a movie on Zoom or Scener may not address the copyright issues as outlined on this policy. Make sure to review the terms and agreements regarding copyrights before you begin advertising your event.


勒米厄图书馆很自豪地通过 Kanopy流媒体服务. 卡诺比视频可以观看任何和所有授权的观众, 无论是在组或个人查看上下文中.

Under the terms of SU's license agreement with Kanopy authorized users are defined as the following: SU's currently enrolled students; employees; faculty; staff; affiliated researchers; distance learners; authorized attendees at educational classes on campus; and visiting scholars. 根据我们的许可证,一般公众不会被视为“授权用户”.

Viewing films in a group forum is permitted as long as the viewing is by authorized viewers and it is not for commercial benefit (i.e. 不收取入场费,放映不盈利).

请注意:与所有流媒体解决方案一样, 如果您正在考虑向大量观众展示Kanopy视频, 您需要确保在组展示的位置有足够的互联网连接. 我们建议考虑购买DVD的高调团体放映. Kanopy不出售DVD,但我们可以引导您到版权所有者购买DVD.

欲了解更多信息,请访问Kanopy网站: kanopystreaming


